Masar Badil: How to make an alternative revolutionary path a reality

Rima Najjar
6 min readOct 30, 2021


Masar Badil, Conference of the Alternative Palestinian Path: Towards a new revolutionary commitment, in Madrid, Oct. 30, 2021

October 30, 2021 marks a pivotal moment in the course of Palestinian history. It’s been clear for thirty years now that strategy, not disastrous Oslo-like compromise, is what Palestinians must do, and that is exactly the call that rang out at Masar Badil, Conference of the Alternative Palestinian Path: Towards a new revolutionary commitment, in Madrid today.

The liberation goal of Masar Badil is derived from

the only possible and historical solution to the Arab-Zionist confrontation, which is the achievement of liberation and return and the exercise of our people’s right to self-determination on their entire national soil on the path of building a democratic, participatory human society, and building the institutions of this democratic Palestine, as a society and as a state. And that the democratic and fully sovereign state of Palestine is the only party capable of guaranteeing by law the building of the new society in Palestine on the foundations and values ​​of social justice, freedom, equality and comprehensive rights for all its citizens without discrimination.

The Alternative Revolutionary Path movement is an integral part of the Palestinian national movement and the movement and struggle of the Arab peoples confronting imperialism, Zionism and reactionary forces and regimes. It is also a natural part of the international movement of struggle confronting the forces of racism, fascism and the forces of colonialism and exploitation in the world.

The Conference organizers and participants envisioned and voted on a future political and implementation program for the coming five to ten years, inviting “the Palestinian people, the Arab nation and all of the friends and supporters of Palestine and the liberation movements of the world [to rally around Masar Badil] through mobilization, joint action and common struggle.”

The priorities and tasks of the movement in the current stage were set as follows:

A) Defending the rights of the Palestinian people, and the struggle to empower our people to be the cornerstone and decision-maker of their national cause, as they are the supreme reference and their rights constitute the source of legitimacy.

This requires strengthening the comprehensive capabilities of our people through building social, economic, cultural and political bodies and institutions, frameworks and popular and trade union arms of various sectors, which the movement deems necessary according to each stage of struggle, and enables the Palestinian people to protect their rights and defend their interests by achieving their national liberation project on the basis of: the unity of the people, land and rights.

b) The movement is committed to defending the rights and interests of the Palestinian popular classes and works to strengthen the steadfastness of the Palestinian refugees and the marginalized and impoverished popular Palestinian gatherings in the homeland and the diaspora. It considers alignment with their rights and interests essential, daily and constant priorities in its program of struggle.

C) Building bridges of joint action between the homeland and the diaspora on the road to strengthening the unity of the Palestinian national movement as one unified liberation movement that includes various women’s, student, labor and youth organizations and mobilizations.

Other proposals discussed included the following issues: Popular Unity / National Unity, The Palestinian Prisoners’ Movement, Building an Arab front against colonialism and Zionism and its local tools, Resistance as specified in the 1968 PLO charter.

In a plan proposed for further development, resolutions were passed at the conference to transform the political vision of a liberated and democratic Palestine into material reality. Among them were the following:

On the student struggle: Organizing the first Palestinian Student Conference in Exile and Diaspora and inside Palestine
Beginning a series of local student meetings of Palestinian students in the shatat [Diaspora], to continue throughout 2022 (alongside Palestinian, Arab and international student activism), and convening the first Palestinian student conference under the slogan: “Towards reviving the Palestinian student movement and building its political, cultural and scientific institutions to strengthen the Palestinian struggle for return and liberation.”
Forming the Student Committee or Student Bureau of the Movement, which will develop a plan and announce it in early 2022.

Agriculture and Palestine — Agricultural committee: Launching an ongoing, long-term campaign for 10 years (the National Campaign for the Afforestation of Palestine) by supporting agricultural, youth and community-based cooperatives in occupied Palestine in co-ordination with 1948 organizations.

National and International Day of Palestinian Struggle: Considering May 15 each year the Day of Palestinian Struggle/The International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People and their inalienable rights) — [refocusing the Nakba narrative into a narrative of heroism, continued struggle and resistance, as opposed to victimhood]. The movement will restore this name and the organization of marches and central activities in May 2022 everywhere it is located. Dedicating a week of struggle with a focus on the right of return; agreement on all slogans will be made later.

Developing the Boycott Movement: Establishing a bureau and a committee to develop a long-term action plan to develop the boycott movement. This committee will submit its first report within 3 months after the conference.

Unconditional Support Campaign/Palestine Fund: Supporting the establishment of medical clinics in the Palestinian refugee camps in the diaspora. Supervising and fundraising for the national campaign for the afforestation of Palestine, from the river to the sea. Supporting fishers, farmers and workers in Palestine, especially in the Gaza Strip. Strengthening and supporting the role of students in the Palestinian refugee camps and providing scholarships for students. Supporting and establishing centers and cooperatives for women and youth in the refugee camps and throughout Palestinian communities in exile and diaspora.

Organizing writers, journalists and artists: Calling for the establishment of the National Assembly of writers, journalists and artists in exile and diaspora. Forming a special committee for this purpose (suggestion: the information department or the cultural department) to supervise this initiative.
Invite writers, journalists and artists in exile and diaspora to participate in the gathering.
Developing a focus on creative people and supporting young people entering journalism, creative writing and the arts.

Department of Labor Union Work: The movement shall establish a trade union committee or labor bureau, which will communicate with trade unions and labor organizations in the Arab world and internationally to mobilize support for Palestinian workers and the Palestinian labor union movement.
Organizing joint political, media and cultural campaigns with international trade unions.

Palestinian Medical Committee: The committee oversees the provision of support to medical institutions and the establishment of medical clinics by the movement.
The priority shall be for the Palestinian refugee camps in the shatat and in the Gaza Strip.
Supporting Palestinian students in the health and medical fields.
The committee is made up of health workers. (Doctors, nurses, other health workers)

Center for Studies, Research and Publishing: Establishing a special center for studies, publishing and research, in multiple languages. Publishing research and holding special workshops related to the Palestinian cause, the Arab world and liberation movements around the world.
Publishing Palestinian and Arab writers and creative work in the field of theater, novels and short stories.
Develop and support the Palestine International Center for Studies (Netherlands)

Establishment of Palestine Centers: sites for mass action, organization and provision of social services to impoverished and marginalized members of the community.

Samidoun until victory and liberation!

Upcoming Conference events:

Cultural Event will take place at the Auditorio Pilar Bardem in Rivas Vaciamadrid at 7 pm, Oct 30, 2021

On Sunday, 31 October (noon at Atocha), march to Sol — in central Madrid — for the March for Palestine!


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Rima Najjar is a Palestinian whose father’s side of the family comes from the forcibly depopulated village of Lifta on the western outskirts of Jerusalem and whose mother’s side of the family is from Ijzim, south of Haifa. She is an activist, researcher and retired professor of English literature, Al-Quds University, occupied West Bank.

