The Grey Wolfe, you must not have read very many articles. Are you not aware of the Israeli demonstrators shouting “Death to Arabs” during the Jerusalem Day Flag March in a display of ultranationalism and hostility toward Palestinians and Arabs in general? On this day commemorated annually since 1967, participants follow the route through the Muslim Quarter, waving blue-and-white flags and their politicians call for “total victory” and resettlement of the Gaza Strip. The historical context of the establishment of the settler-colonial Zionist Jewish state in Palestine explains this Jewish supremacist mind-set, which is not simply a far-right sentiment among Israeli Jews—it’s in the DNA of the Zionist Movement. A 2012 index showed that 70.5 percent of Israeli Arabs believe the Israeli government treats them as second-class citizens, and only 3 percent perceive full equality in their own homeland. The situation is much worse now. I’d be interested to know what you think of my latest blog post on Medium titled “A Palestinian Wedding, a Wake for Israel,” which explains the Israeli public’s superiority complex.